Thursday, June 2, 2011
El Rancho 2011
The Green Giant/ The Hulk
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
6 months later...
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My brother Jordan and his wife Brook at our "almost top row" seats. :)
My mom and I waiting forever for the game to start. We got there 2 hours early to beat the traffic.
The fam. Notice how there is NO ONE else there yet? Haha!
Halloween Fun
Halloween at school was really fun on Friday. That night Daniel and I went to a costume party at our friends Jarvis and Mandy's house. Then on Saturday night we went to my sister's to pass out homemade donuts! Overall it was a pretty fun Halloween weekend.
My niece Chloe and my nephew Rylan. So cute!
Claudia, Ashlye, and I all geared up and ready for the race at 6:30 A.M.
Me after we got home from the race.
My sister in law Ashlie and I after the "Save a Sister" 5k Can you tell how dead we were? Look at our faces!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
San Diego y Santa Barbara
On Tuesday night we had to go eat at Joe's Crabshack, a favorite of mine. We got a table with a view of the ocean and the sunset was so pretty that night. Even though it took us two hours to crack all those crab legs it was still fun!
On Wednesday and Thursday we drove up the coast to see my best friend Genna. She was so nice to put us up for the night. We spent the day at the beach, ate at an awesome authentic Italian restaurant and window shopped. This was the only picture I got of us together though. We went to eat breakfast at her cafe and then hit the road.
It was an awesome trip and I'm glad Daniel convinced me to go to the beach. We loved being there!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Our Summer
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Just keeps getting better with time!

Three years and it just keeps getting better and more fun. I was reflecting on marriage with a friend the other day. I don't think we have accomplished the "normal" things like babies and houses but we have done a lot! Some memories include: Daniel put me through my last two years of school (blood, sweat, tears and all), beautiful wedding in the St. George Temple, remodeled our second apartment, held numerous church callings, danced at the Bundy Reunion, camping trips and fishing trips, built a fort in our living room, got my teaching job and jumped for joy at the first pay check, been to the emergency room and back again, Sunday morning breakfasts with our friends each week, pulled all nighters for Daniel's research papers, checking the bookings for old friends and co-workers, lots of basketball and softball games, our trip to General Conference where I fell asleep and dreamed I fell off the balcony of the Conference Center :), hours of watching "The Office" and quoting "The Office", spending last summer at our pool, races in Vegas, Pinochle and Settlers tournaments with friends and family, and watching fireworks out out apartment window every few weeks. Can you imagine we are still in love after all that craziness? Here's to a million years more!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
We are "Pawn Stars" now!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
All done!!!
According to Daniel I'm a little more feisty as a redhead. :)