My camera is still broken... aaaah.
Dallas posted this tag and it really got me thinking about how I need to stop worrying and enjoy the little things so... here they are!
1. 3 living things you treasure: Family, the Gospel, Friends
2. 3 non-living things that you treasure: The little money we have, time, laughter
3. favorite time of the year and why: Summer, I love to feel the sun on my skin...and do fun things with family like go to the lake or camping. I also love summer clothes!
4. favorite things to wear: heels (I'm so happy Daniel's tall), perfect fit jeans, anything new!, shorts.
5. are you a perfume wearer? Every once in a while when I remember.
6. favorite animal: dogs, but not little dogs so much.
7. top three events in your life(so far): Getting married to my honey, graduating college, spending each day learning more about myself and what Heavenly Father has in store for me.
8. top three favorite small pleasures: Splurging on ice cream dates, watching Daniel dance, getting dressed up on Sunday.
9. top 3 favorite places in the world( you have visited or would like to visit): Have visited: Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, San Fransisco. Want to visit: Hawaii, Greece, England.
10. top 3 favorite sounds: Favorite cd's blaring in the car, Daniel saying anything that starts with the letter "p", my nieces and nephews laughing.
11. top 3 favorite things to eat: Ice cream, steak, and it's a tie between my dad's mashed potatoes and his popcorn.
12. 3 small ways someone has made your day lately: Daniel cleaning the whole house, the kids in my class missing me when I'm gone or the little girls telling me I look cute, Daniel selling back his book that he didn't want to.
13. 3 small habits/quirks you have that make you specifically you! The fear of deer definately sets me apart, watering down pop cause I can't handle it, making sure Daniel has nothing on his face or in his teeth at all times (it drives him crazy!)
14.-Describe your life using 6 words maximum (for each time frame): Past - loud, fun, forgotten Present: Stressful, busy, decisions, love, young, happy. Future: happy, laughter, growing up, babies.
15. .Name 3 words that you can't stand, and 3 that you love: Can't stand "Long time no see",
Love: Honey.
16. Was missing.
17. What are a few of the goals you have for your future and how do you plan on making them a reality? Get a teaching job: keep patiently waiting and be willing to go somewhere else. Have a baby: Get insurance and trust in God. Travel: save when we can so I can take Daniel to the Cowboys game. Buy a house: once again, save when we can. Serve a mission with Daniel: get old.
18. What is the best piece of advice you've ever heard? Give your life to God and things will work out.
19. what is your favorite quote and why? "Come what may and love it!" It teaches me to be patient with myself and what is going on in my life. It helps me face that things are going to go wrong and I need to make the best out of it.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Teaching job update!
I interviewed with Red Mountain Elementary today thanks to my sister for the hook-ups! I'll keep you posted! Nothing from Alpine yet. Sorry Salt Lake family!
Busy Week!

In the past week we have celebrated both my birthday and our 2 year anniversary! Both were great thanks to my wonderful husband. Since we are starving students Daniel decided to forgo the present and take me to Red Lobster, where I have been dying to go for months. When we got there and looked at the menu prices I remembered why Daniel kept saying "No!" . Haha. It was really good and fun for it to be just us. He even shaved and got dressed up. It was so cute!
After dinner we headed over to my parents where my family was waiting with my two favorite pies from Croshaws and a cake! Yum! Thanks to all of you for the gifts and funny voicemails! I loved them all! My brother Jordan even made a "special trip" from Vegas to make it in time for my party. I felt so loved to have everyone there. Afterwards we went to Daniel's parents to see the visiting relatives there. It was fun to see you Klint and Kylene!
On Conference Sunday we made breakfast for my parents then headed over to Daniel's parents for dinner/lunch. His mom is such a great cook and it was fun to see almost the whole family around the dinner table. It doesn't happen very much and it was very special. After dinner all the grand kids came into the kitchen singing "Happy Birthday" and Daniel's dad was holding a cake. I was confused to who's birthday it was! Haha! His parents gave me some money for a massage which I am so excited about! Thank you! What a great day with conference and all. My favorite talk had to be President Eyring's talk on Sat. morning. If you missed it, make sure you check it out!
The next day was our anniversary. I had a long Monday at the school and Daniel called a few times telling me to hurry home. Of course I'm irritated but I hurried home anyway. When I walked in our entire downstairs was spotless, all of the leaky ceiling tools I've put up with for two months were put away, and on the set table there were roses and a sweet husband standing next to it. I almost wanted to cry when he pulled out a pizza from the oven. It just melted my heart to think of all the trouble he went to to make my day special and all I got him was a new razor! Thank you Daniel for how much easier you make my life. I promise to love you forever plus two years!
After dinner we headed over to my parents where my family was waiting with my two favorite pies from Croshaws and a cake! Yum! Thanks to all of you for the gifts and funny voicemails! I loved them all! My brother Jordan even made a "special trip" from Vegas to make it in time for my party. I felt so loved to have everyone there. Afterwards we went to Daniel's parents to see the visiting relatives there. It was fun to see you Klint and Kylene!
On Conference Sunday we made breakfast for my parents then headed over to Daniel's parents for dinner/lunch. His mom is such a great cook and it was fun to see almost the whole family around the dinner table. It doesn't happen very much and it was very special. After dinner all the grand kids came into the kitchen singing "Happy Birthday" and Daniel's dad was holding a cake. I was confused to who's birthday it was! Haha! His parents gave me some money for a massage which I am so excited about! Thank you! What a great day with conference and all. My favorite talk had to be President Eyring's talk on Sat. morning. If you missed it, make sure you check it out!
The next day was our anniversary. I had a long Monday at the school and Daniel called a few times telling me to hurry home. Of course I'm irritated but I hurried home anyway. When I walked in our entire downstairs was spotless, all of the leaky ceiling tools I've put up with for two months were put away, and on the set table there were roses and a sweet husband standing next to it. I almost wanted to cry when he pulled out a pizza from the oven. It just melted my heart to think of all the trouble he went to to make my day special and all I got him was a new razor! Thank you Daniel for how much easier you make my life. I promise to love you forever plus two years!
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